Another Preview

Here are a couple of pieces I've done for the next show. There is still quite a bit of work to do, but i'll get there. Happy Holidays!

Whats to Come

Here is a small preview of what I have been working on (she's very unfinished). It looks like I will have my next opening at Caggio Gallery on Friday January 15th 2010! All of the pieces in this will fit a still untitled theme - but everything will be dark, mysterious and monochrome. I'm exploring a lot of new technique with oil and will be incorporating unusual textures in these pieces. I want people to want to touch them. The other plus, I've been shooting my own models, so everything is totally original from the start.

In related news, I'll be updated the look of this blog and my website. Business has been booming and I want everything to reflect the more solid design aesthetic I have developed. Stay tuned!

Boy In Blue

So I was commissioned to paint a friends son. She took the amazing photo that I worked from, and left the rest up to me. I added ginkgo leaves because in Japan they represent hope for the future. I thought that was a good symbol to include on this little guy playing in the leaves.

I'm For Sale

I am now selling PRINTS of many of my paintings through I am excited to see how this works out. The response to my last opening was overwhelming (thank you to everyone who came to support me) so I thought this was a much more affordable way to get my work into the hands of those who can't buy the originals.

Buy Handmade


I will be featured in a gallery opening next week here in Milwaukee at a new gallery named CAGGIO. I'm thrilled and honored to be part of this event and hope to have about 8 -15 painting for sale. This includes the one below, which as of today is SOLD. It's my first to sell from the show, and I am so thankful to its new owner.

This piece is titled "Clyde" and is charcoal and acrylic on pine and is 6''x6''. While the original is no longer available, I will have 100 limited edition prints ready for pre-order.

Native American Cheif

I forget his name, as soon as I can track it down - I will use that for the title. Anyways, I finished this one last night for my Mom. This one was a fun challenge because I was able to use copper leaf for the first time. It's hard to tell in the photo, but every other square is copper with turquoise peaking through.

In Progress

I'm painting this guy for my Mom. It's not only mother's day, but her birthday this month. I'm excited to get to the next steps on him, which include turquoise paint & copper leaf!


Finished him tonight. I still need to paint the edges, but I was to eager to get him online. Wednesday I'm heading to the supply store to get the stuff to begin my next painting for my mama.

Final Website Edits

I made a few final changes to my site & all I have left is to upload a few more of the design pages.

Website Update

I've reinvented my website. I'm trying to create a site that will allow my collections to grow, plus add more features so that as I accomplish more work, I can keep it all in one place.

I'm in the process of adding a store. I'll sell both my art & photos on there soon. Eventually I'd like to get some handmade items like scarves & ties up there. You can also follow the site on facebook & twitter among others.